
(80 customer reviews )

700.00 kr.

Duration: 3 hours 30 min

Learn the secrets of the perfect macarons – like you get them in Paris.
You are guided by a French Pastry Chef with years of experience.

Each participant get a box of macarons to take home (approx 40 mixed macarons).

In this hands-on class you will learn
– The technical details to succeed with beautiful macarons in different colours.
– To make different creams and ganaches and to fill the shells.
– Piping tips and important baking guidelines to make nice round macaron shells.

The price includes
– Ingredients and instruction
– A break with coffee/tea
– Cakebox for transport
– Recipes will be sent by email after the course

The class will be in English
This class is perfect for beginners

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Susanne Flinck

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Mie Rank Brunberg

    Review in Danish

    Grundigt og gennemført med et flot udbytte

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Karina Mortensen

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Maj Dannemand

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Ulla Ingemann Sommer

    Review in Danish

    God atmosfære. Det er nu endeligt lykkedes mig at lave lækre macarons. Dejligt med den tilsendte opskrift og vejledning. Kan absolut anbefale kurset.

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Rosita Kaae

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Malene Mollerup

    Review in Danish

    En faglig, dygtig underviser, struktureret og rigtig godt lokale. Kan helt sikkert anbefales, meget professionelt.

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Camilla Einfeldt

    Review in Danish

    Meget lærerigt kursus. Gik ind som nybegynder, som aldrig har lavet en macaron før, og endte med de flotteste og delikate macarons. Ægte succes følelse. Det var bare en rigtig god og hyggelig oplevelse.

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Peter Hugreffe Ankersen

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Betina Barbesgaard

    Rated 4 out of 5

    Anne-Mette Lund

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Henriette Enghave

    Review in Danish

    Så lærerigt….Frederic er virkelig god til at forklare/ vise teknikker/ sikre at alle er med. Tilpas antal med 8 personer på kursus, så der er tid til at man kan spørge og hele tiden se med, når der vises noget. Frederic er simpelthen bare så dygtig og også super humoristisk

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Jens Laugesen

    Review in English

    Very educational and fun! Focus on the technique which was needed for our team!

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Diana Lenter

    Review in English

    I found this course very interesting, I did some very good macarons and I will try to make them in the future. I recommend for all the persons who wanna try to do something different. Enjoy! And thank you for having me! Regards Diana

    Rated 5 out of 5

    charlotte Lynæs

    Review in Danish

    Fransk præcision, når det er allerbedst! Det er både viden, grundighed, formidling, humor - og fantastisk smag i en og samme pakke.

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Sebastien Termeau

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Joana Alves

    Review in English

    A really great course! Frederic made the complicated seem so simple and our macarons turned out so delicious!

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Femke Klumper

    Review in English

    My husband and I took the macaron class and loved it. We were always very intimidated with attempting to make ourselves. Chef Terrible does a great job in a nice intimate setting. Would absolutely love to return for the other classes!

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Review in English

    I can highly recommend the macaroons course at Frederik Terrible's French Pastry School. It was a very cozy, educational and fun experience. And it could be something for you who are just an enthusiast in the kitchen and for you who work as a pastry chef. Frederik gives a lot of professional tips and we have also had plenty of time to discuss different techniques and ideas. I am very happy to see Frederik next time, because I am planning to continue with more courses with him and will try to bring more colleagues and friends with me;)

    Rated 5 out of 5

    Iliana Dimova

    Review in Danish

    Jeg kan varme anbefale makroner kursus hos Frederik Terribles Fransk Konditorskole. Det var en meget hyggelig, lærerig og sjov oplevelse. Og det kunne være noget til dig, der er bare entusiast i køkken og til dig, der arbejder som konditor. Frederik giver nemlig en masse af professionelle tips og vi har havt også god nok tid til at diskutere forskelige tekniker og ideer. Det glæder mig meget at ses Frederik næste gang, for jeg planlæger at forsætter med flere kurser hos ham og vil prøver at medbringer flere kolleger og venner ;)